Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reforming the Educational System

Student centered learning and Inquiry based learning are terms that we get across when we attend workshops or training courses in the educational field.These topics were the key words in today's class.

As a teacher or actually a classical teacher who used to teach in a traditional way,I found it very difficult to shift from being the source of information and the decision maker to a facilitator and an advisor only.It took me quite a while to accept the fact that I have to change my teaching style to keep up with the challenge brought to me by the reformed educational system in the institution that I was a member in.

Fortunately, it ended up that what was a burden on my shoulders evolved to become a joy in my life. With time I discovered that these new methods of teaching are the best for me as teacher and a parent and for my students.

The advantages of these methods overweigh the disadvantges .I really hope that the educational systems all over the world will shift to these styles.

This is a broad topic that I would reflect on later.

For those who are unfamiliar with these learning styles check this page that gives a clear idea about Inquiry learning .

1 comment:

ATQ said...

Yes, that website is a good one, famous too. Nice work.